Road Intelligence: Fusing Physical with Digital Infrastructure

The effectiveness of urban transportation directly impacts an area’s economic prosperity. When people and goods move fast, more business happens. However, as the physical transportation footprint grows larger — in terms of the number of vehicles on the road, transport modes, road mileage, and pollution — we need to find new ways to orchestrate mobility.

Digital technologies promise to connect physical assets with enhanced virtual monitoring and management tools. GPS, cellular technologies, edge devices, and IoT sensors create a new layer of road intelligence to tap into. The question is, How can you harness it?

In this whitepaper, we take you on a journey around a new breed of cities — connected, fast-moving, safe, and sustainable. We show how emerging market trends and evolving connected infrastructure projects create new profit pools for tech companies in the transportation sector.

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Visibility, Efficiency, Safety, and Sustainability

Urban dwellers have a host of needs. Publicly, we bash ever-present traffic congestion and public transit options. We also wish for cleaner air and more greenery (but are reluctant to give up private car ownership). At the same time, we are eager to explore new transportation modalities, from e-scooters to MaaS transit apps.

Urban planners, in turn, have the impossible task of pleasing everyone, balancing operational costs, meeting new regulations, and… putting down new physical infrastructure. With so many moving targets (literally and figuratively), most urban planners need enhanced tools for mining, operationalizing, and acting upon available road intelligence. Transportation software providers are now in the prime position to settle for a comfortable middle spot between government services and consumers using the right tech components.

The main growth levers for the transportation industry are:

  • Connectivity: V2X, location-based services, IoT, and edge devices
  • Digital infrastructure: Cloud, APIs, system integrations, computer vision
  • Analytics: Big data analytics, predictive analytics, video telematics
  • Software solutions: ITSM, traffic management systems, electric mobility solutions, EV fleet management software
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Time to start your digital engines

With stressors at every turn, urban planners and government agencies are looking to private technology providers for help. Progressive decarbonization, real-time traffic management, and semi-autonomous driving are ambitious projects that require joint effort. Download our whitepaper to get a detailed briefing on how you can best position your software product to serve users, public authorities, and society at large.

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