Case study

Agile Transformation and Microservices Solution for Chambers and Partners

We’re building an advanced solution based on microservices to streamline our client’s legal services research

Cloud & DevOpsPlatform Development

Project highlights

  • Agile transformation and digitalization
  • Migration from monolith to microservices
  • Implementation of new features and applications
Legal services
2 years

Business challenge

As Chambers and Partners, a prestigious legal services research company, was rapidly moving towards a new level of digitalization, they sought a reliable technology partner to modernize their existing technology solutions. Their goal was to embrace agile transformation and adopt a microservices-based architecture for a data-led platform to improve the customer experience, upgrade their offering and services, and keep leading positions in the competitive market.

The research company provides detailed rankings and unique insights into complex areas of law, operating across 200 jurisdictions and empowering organizations to make data-based decisions when searching for legal services. Conducting tens of thousands of interviews with accountants, counsels, and barristers yearly, our client needed an up-to-date and comprehensive data-led platform to manage their research processes and provide timely services to end customers. They had a clear vision of the digital strategy and turned to Intellias, a trusted technology partner and digital transformation enabler, to implement their plans.

Agile Transformation and Microservices Solution for Chambers and Partners

Solution delivered

Chambers and Partners reached a point when their company’s level of digital transformation was not sufficient to move up the value chain of delivering service to end customers. Together with insufficient methods of data collection and processing, their legacy solutions didn’t meet growing consumer demand and current business needs. Intellias stepped in to help our client get to a new stage of digitalization.

Cooperating tightly with our client’s experts, we automated data-driven processes, defined new offerings, and extended the company’s scalability. We’re now working on several strategic projects and covering two main streams — agile transformation and monolithic to microservices migration — along with implementing new features.

Agile transformation

We started with setting up software development life cycle (SDLC) processes and an Agile methodology to help Chambers and Partners become more flexible. An Intellias Scrum master ensured the effectiveness of teams, established clear and concise Agile practices, and facilitated cross-functional collaboration.

One of our main tasks was to assemble independent Agile teams that would be autonomous in decision-making and motivated to take both initiative and responsibility. We consulted our client on how to eliminate cross-team dependencies, moving from a vertical to a horizontal organizational structure. By removing the top-to-bottom hierarchy, we encouraged teams to define and build their own processes, thus strengthening the entire organization.

Microservices architecture

We assisted Chambers and Partners in realizing their digital strategy, which included creating new technical features and implementing them into their data-led platform. The existing solution was an outdated monolith that needed to be transitioned to a microservices architecture to become more deployable and scalable.

Our senior developers conducted technical analysis, making valuable contributions to the development process; implemented CI/CD practices; and carried out technological transformation. With their efforts, we managed to bridge the gap between development and operational activities by choosing the right tools and enforcing automation to deploy new applications.

Intellias developed several strategic projects to enhance the customer experience and implemented critical features, from a customer information portal and self-registration to continuous rankings insights for end customers.

To help our client improve service delivery, better work with data, and enhance their business model, Intellias specialists are continuously working on adding advanced applications that provide end customers with new opportunities. While rethinking the whole solution ecosystem with microservices development, we also moved outdated features to a new technological level.

Business outcome

Within the past two years, our fruitful partnership empowered Chambers and Partners to achieve their business objectives of becoming a fully digitalized company. Through tight collaboration, we accelerated digital transformation across the client’s entire organization, resulting in the following:

  • An optimized, Agile environment with productive teams and effective planning
  • Optimization of operational efficiency and automation of existing processes by eliminating manual research and data analysis
  • Visibility across research processes and cooperation with end customers
  • Flexibility in the deployment of new features with autonomous applications that can implement new items without any dependencies on the entire ecosystem
  • Optimization of software development life cycles
  • An enlarged service portfolio with new applications and products that allow our client to deliver greater value to end customers and increase profitability
  • Globalization and expansion to new markets, as the company now operates on every continent

We implemented a microservices-based platform with new applications, solutions, and features as part of our client’s digital strategy. Together with our client, we built four highly efficient teams that have released their first projects and are currently working on several new releases.

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