{"id":11347,"date":"2018-02-11T15:38:46","date_gmt":"2018-02-11T14:38:46","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.intellias.com\/?p=11347"},"modified":"2024-04-25T16:14:14","modified_gmt":"2024-04-25T14:14:14","slug":"real-time-advertising-platform","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/intellias.com\/real-time-advertising-platform\/","title":{"rendered":"Real-Time Advertising Platform"},"content":{"rendered":"

As an innovator in the global mobile advertising market, the client delivers an advanced real-time ad exchange platform. The company helps link thousands of advertisers and almost a hundred thousand app developers and mobile web publishers with an app advertising platform. Their platform enables companies to hone their mobile ad campaigns and multiply earnings with auctions, private marketplace deals, and access to an impressive number of demand partners. Equipped with an embedded advertisement builder, their solution offers a variety of ad formats ranging from outstream and instream videos to expandable banners and standard advertisement units.<\/p>\n


Business Challenge<\/h2>\n

The world is going mobile, and Internet access via handhelds accounts for about 80% of overall internet usage today. By 2021, the volume of the global mobile advertising market is estimated to reach a mind-blowing $215B dollars, 2X bigger compared to that in 2016. This has caused advertisers to turn a more careful look at the mobile web and in-app advertising to reach audiences at unparalleled levels.<\/p>\n

As one of the flagship mobile ad companies, the client is investing heavily in the research, development, optimization, and maintenance of their advertising and monetization platform. And staying in the lead and above the competition is resource-intensive in terms of cost, time, and engineering capacity.<\/p>\n

By the end of 2017, the lack of the latter became quite tangible and was likely to undermine client\u2019s strategic growth plans. Their headquarter and German office required additional Java development resources and turned their look at nearshore outsourcing service<\/a> providers to develop a mobile app advertising platform<\/span>. Having three development hubs in Ukraine, proven Java expertise and acting as a qualified Bestshore Center of their German nearshore partner, Intellias was selected for the mobile ad exchange platform development.<\/p>\n

Technology solution<\/h2>\n

The client expected a team extension of experienced engineers given the priority of the tasks involved. We formed two backend sub-teams of senior and lead Java developers, each with rich enterprise systems engineering background to help create a real-time advertising platform. The first team\u2019s backlog comprised tasks on customer integrations. The second team was responsible for the mobile ad platform\u2019s message broker development and maintenance.<\/p>\n

To date, Intellias team has integrated three large ad publishing companies and their digital service platforms<\/a>. We are working on the unification and optimization of customer integrations. We have achieved notable results in launching future integrations in a faster and budget-friendlier manner. Each customer receives an isolated Amazon cluster with their own endpoint.<\/p>\n

Business impact<\/h2>\n

Our collaboration is in the active phase. We are working closely with the client\u2019s development and product organizations to architect and build a mobile advertising platform. The whole collaboration is steered by the service management of the German nearshore partner to assure high quality. In the long run, there are plans to further extend the client\u2019s engineering capacity at Intellias.<\/p>\n

The solution that we are helping to develop let publishers:<\/strong><\/p>\n