AI First steps: Accelerate, Develop, Deploy

It’s Possible with Intellias

Accelerated Innovation:
The Business Race Has Changed

November 30, 2022 changed the nature of business forever. OpenAI released ChatCPT with unprecedented and powerful capabilities, to which The Atlantic reacted, “[it] may change our mind about how we work, how we think, and what human creativity is.”

A year later, the impacts of Generative AI (GenAI) and its precursor, traditional AI, are clear:

Generative AI Investments by Business Function Sales Marketing Customer Service SW Dev. Team Infra. & Oper. Other HR Legal Finance Procurement 30% 15% 0% 12% 19% 16% 21% 9% 15% 4% 3% 1% 1% customer facing functions 47% IT functions 30%
GenAI adoption plans permeate organizations, impacting every business function, especially customer facing and IT functions
GenAI use cases span all business optimization initiatives, including growth, cost optimization, customer experience, customer retention, and software development lifecycles
As of Q3 2023, 55% of all companies had GenAI pilots or production solutions underway, up from 19% the previous quarter
Investing in AI initiatives is now less risky than a 'wait and see' approach due to the potential upside.

Out of Shape and Falling Behind in The AI Race

While AI investments are essential to maintaining and enhancing competitive positioning, many organizations have been caught flat footed. 90% of organizations are still in learning & experimenting mode. Priorities must be set. But the challenges are plentiful:
The IT department has too many competing priorities already. AI is just “one more thing” they need to do
The IT department can’t scale to address the volume of ideas. The applicability of AI and GenAI is simply too broad and the use cases too plentiful to do it all.
The pace of change (technology) is too fast for the IT department to keep up. There’s constantly new innovations and AI platforms making yesterday’s efforts obsolete.
Game-changing AI is not cheap, and CFOs are skeptical about the benefits of these digital investments.
67% of CFOs said that digital investments in their enterprise underperformed expectations.

A Failing AI Race Plan

From flat-footed to outright stumbling, the AI race challenges compound:

Competing Priorities

Stakeholders from every department across the organization are clamouring for their initiative, now.

AI, and especially GenAI, carries significant risks, such as loss of confidential data, hallucinations, and lack of trust.

Difficulty Scaling

IT budgets are limited. The IT department headcount cannot keep expanding to support every initiative.

AI and GenAI tools are neither mature nor stable and are ever changing. Where is the time to train IT staff on these tools when there’s so much else that needs attention right now?

Can’t Keep Pace

Expect a plethora of new and diverse government regulations across international jurisdictions as policy makers shake out what businesses must do for safe and ethical AI and GenAI usage.

Your data is probably not AI-ready. Only 4% of Gartner respondents said their data is AI-ready. While 37% said they are well positioned to have AI-ready data, 55% further noted that it will still be difficult to achieve.

The IT department is falling behind in the race.
The IT department needs a better race plan.

A Good Coach Can Change Your Race.
A Great Coach Can Change Your Business.

To get ahead on AI and GenAI, you need a coach. A coach with the wisdom to sort through priorities and the strategies to pace your race. You need a coach that has the experience to get you to the finish line, first.

And you need a coaching staff to overcome scaling difficulties. AI and GenAI equivalents of trainers, equipment managers, nutritionists – everything required to build a high-performance AI and GenAI program.

You need AI Experimentation

Can Change Your Race

The Winning Race Plan:
AI Experimentation As-A-Service

AI Experimentation As-A-Service is an all-in-one AI
and GenAI package that consists of:

Create a Sandbox Environment

  • Safe Experimentation
  • Self-Service

Institutionalise Experimentation

  • Conduct Hackathons, Gamify Product Creation
  • Filter Best Ideas to Fund

Iterate and Innovate

  • Fail fast, Capture Lessons Learnt and Iterate
  • Stay Abreast of Market Innovations
A scalable team of AI and GenAI experts
An experienced AI and GenAI coach (delivery manager) who understands how to prioritize and drive AI and GenAI experiments and initiatives from PoCs to production-grade implementations
A team of consultative AI and GenAI experts who are read up, “tapped in”, and have done it before using a variety of AI and GenAI tools, solutions, and products
An assessment of your data, and the requisite tools to prepare it for AI and GenAI consumption

Accelerate Innovation:
Claim The Race Winnings

AI Experimentation As-A-Service accelerates innovation in AI and GenAI. It offers superior results and ROI:

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    Keep the CFO happy with the ability to scale up or down the spend on AI and GenAI investments in line with budgets and business cycles
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    Cut down on research, training, and upskilling time by leaving the high-risk experimentation to those that have done such experimentations elsewhere.
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    Get an early read on data readiness for various AI and GenAI initiatives, and scalable help for getting data ready, if needed
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    Gain a trusted, strategic AI and GenAI partner who can spot opportunities for productivity gains and cost optimizations based on firsthand knowledge of what others in industry are successfully doing
Accelerate Innovation image

Intellias: Your AI And GenAI Coaching Staff

Intellias has a proven track record offering AI Experimentation As-A-Service. Our cross-industry, cross-vendor, and cross-technology experiences provide the requisite skill necessary to accelerate innovation for our clients.
A Dedicated AI & GenAI Team
AI and GenAI experts within our Technology Office deliver consults, solutions and outcomes for clients across a range of industries. The group covers a wide range of technologies, from LLMs to computer vision to predictive analytics. Check out one` of their articles here
Intellias Innovation Hub
Intellias actively builds our own competitive AI and GenAI accelerators and R&D to stay ahead of the market. Examples include IntelliBot, our employee assistance tool, and electric vehicle fleet routing.
Latest Technologies
Logo Azure Logo AWS Logo openai Logo hf Logo PyTorch Logo LangChain Logo TensorFlow Logo Databricks

and more

Logo aily
AI-enabled analysis of online media activity to evaluate the impact of marketing campaigns, audience sentiment, and reputation index.
Logo Intel

Traffic flow monitoring in real-time with queue monitoring, congestion detection and prediction.

Security, safety & suspicious behaviour (theft) management via spatial monitoring.

Check out the presentation here
Logo dkv

Trucks empowered by ChatGPT

Driver & Fleet Managers Assistant.

The Race Is On: Will You Win Lose?

The nature of business has changed forever. You need an expert coach and coaching staff to help you accelerate and win. Now is the time to act.

Intellias is offering* a free, no obligation AI Experimentation As-A-Service bootstrapping consult:


Intellias will collaboratively execute a workshop to ascertain your current position in the AI and GenAI race

Together with Intellias, AI and GenAI opportunities will be identified, catalogued, and discussed

Intellias will report back within 1 week its findings on AI and GenAI priorities and potential ROI, and suggestions on how to transition to AI Experimentation As-A-Service.

Contact Intellias now to arrange your consult

Contact Us

Jagjyot Kaur
Jagjyot Kaur
Sales Development Representative
Passionate about increasing customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty to create tangible growth and value for clients and stakeholders.

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