{"id":22683,"date":"2020-02-12T14:46:39","date_gmt":"2020-02-12T13:46:39","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.intellias.com\/?p=22683"},"modified":"2024-07-23T11:17:27","modified_gmt":"2024-07-23T09:17:27","slug":"weather-monitoring-technologies-to-save-crops-from-mother-nature","status":"publish","type":"blog","link":"https:\/\/intellias.com\/weather-monitoring-technologies-to-save-crops-from-mother-nature\/","title":{"rendered":"Weather Monitoring Technologies to Save Crops from Mother Nature"},"content":{"rendered":"

Climate changes are irreversible, and agriculture is the industry most affected. Unpredictable and sometimes severe weather is a critical issue to address. No one can change the weather but monitoring and predicting it can save a lot of money for agribusinesses. This is where predictive weather analytics and weather tracking technology in agriculture can help.

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Impact of weather on crops<\/h2>\n

Changing weather is a natural thing farmers face from season to season. Variations in weather definitely affect crop yields but don\u2019t take farmers by surprise. But with global climate change, Mother Nature seems to be putting extra effort into making things complicated for farmers, pushing them towards climate resilient agricultural practices.<\/p>\n

Projected impact of climate changes on agriculture<\/b>
Impact of climate change on agriculture<\/a><\/em><\/p>\n

All of a sudden, floods can sweep across fields, mixing seeds in the soil and leaving farmers guessing where to harvest their crops. Spring rains are the main reason for floods that harm agribusiness profits.<\/p>\n

And how about early freezing that impacts crop maturity? Often, farmers are left unarmed against weather deviations. Last year, social media was saturated with messages on snowfall in the Dakotas slowing wheat harvests and leaving no chance for corn to mature. Farmers in other states were not long in voicing their concerns.

But hold off on cursing the weather. For agriculture, weather monitoring technologies are very helpful. As it turns out, weather forecasting software together with the right data can help you predict and mitigate the consequences of dangerous weather.<\/p>\n


The departure from normal that the weather gave us this year is a showcase for why we want to have this continuous streaming of data continuously refining an estimate of what is going on and what to do about it.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tEric Taipale, <\/span> CEO of drone data analytics startup Sentera<\/span><\/span>\n\t\t\t\t<\/small>\n\t\t\t<\/blockquote>\n\t\t<\/section>\n

Weather solutions for agriculture will not survive without this<\/h2>\n

Almost every solution for smart weather monitoring relies on data. And we\u2019re not only talking about forecasting extreme weather like floods but regular weather conditions in the field that impact crops day to day. Thanks to technologies like IoT weather stations, weather collection data, and AI weather prediction, agribusinesses can store and process countless data sets to be prepared for weather changes, react to them fast, and promote climate change management initiatives.<\/p>\n

The most critical weather data for agriculture<\/h3>\n

Rainfall<\/b> \u2013 Analyzing historical data on rain over defined periods provides bold observations and serves as valuable input for future predictions based on artificial intelligence algorithms.<\/p>\n

Temperature<\/b> \u2013 Tracking changes in temperature during the day, month, and year gives an outlook at conditions for crops and inputs for further analytics on conditions determining weather changes.<\/p>\n

Wind<\/b> \u2013 Wind direction and speed can warn farmers of a coming storm.<\/p>\n

Air pressure<\/b> \u2013 This is one of the most important measurements for predicting weather changes.<\/p>\n

Humidity<\/b> \u2013 This metric is critical, especially with regard to preparing for rain and using water smartly.<\/p>\n

Later, all these data sets can be gathered into a unified platform for weather monitoring and made available from any device. Farmers may customize dashboards to monitor the most critical data and visualize analytics for better decision-making<\/a>. On a smart weather dashboard, farmers also can:<\/p>\n