{"id":6034,"date":"2017-11-05T16:17:51","date_gmt":"2017-11-05T15:17:51","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.intellias.com\/?p=6034"},"modified":"2023-09-19T14:38:21","modified_gmt":"2023-09-19T12:38:21","slug":"elearning-cloud-platform-for-council-expert-training","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/intellias.com\/elearning-cloud-platform-for-council-expert-training\/","title":{"rendered":"eLearning Cloud Platform for Council Expert Training"},"content":{"rendered":"

Business challenge<\/h2>\n

IFB is a leading German institute for council workers that cooperates with over 600 industry experts and has already provided an engaging learning experience for over 55,000 trainees. It offers a wide spectrum of seminars and online courses ranging from legal topics to economics and everything related to council operations. For more than 25 years, IFB has been equipping learners with the knowledge that makes them informed leaders in local government.<\/p>\n

Our client had experienced problems with their existing eLearning cloud software<\/span> performance and support for multi-user access. The project was time-critical since it needed to be launched before council elections. During the months preceding those elections, seminars for council workers would be at their peak. IFB needed a highly responsive online eLearning cloud platform\u00a0with a precise user focus to strengthen their position among Germany’s leading education cloud computing companies<\/span>\u00a0and educational institutions for council workers. Also, IFB required to improve and personalize the experience for their end users.<\/p>\n

The main difficulty of this cloud computing eLearning\u00a0<\/span>project lay in the uninterrupted migration of all data to the new eLearning cloud platform in order to provide business continuity of all activities related to the existing base of speakers and thousands of annual seminar attendees. Intellias expertise in\u00a0cloud development<\/a> and experience with cloud based eLearning solutions<\/span><\/a> were decisive in IFB selecting our company as their software engineering partner for this eLearning cloud software project<\/span>.<\/p>\n


Technology solution<\/h2>\n

Together, we started designing and developing a data- and domain-driven eLearning cloud platform for council workers with customer relationship management features and third-party systems integration as well as migrating data step by step from Microsoft SQL to the new Azure cloud based eLearning<\/span> platform, which had to be available 24\/7 via RESTful services.<\/p>\n

User endpoints were the key features of this education cloud computing\u00a0<\/span>project. Previously, our client had used a complicated algorithm to transfer data, relying on integration services that obtain information from one database and store it in another.<\/p>\n

After analyzing the data, we started creating a web API to serve the consumer endpoints provided via the IFB website and app. Our engineering team joined our client\u2019s ASP.NET Web API project, using C# for backend development. The\u00a0eLearning cloud software\u00a0<\/span>that we jointly developed uses a SQL server based on the Entity Framework. The team also created OData controllers for more flexibility in terms of data querying and extending entities.<\/p>\n

The core features of the eLearning cloud platform developed by Intellias:<\/h3>\n