Telecom Big Data & Analytics

Turn massive arrays of telecom data generated by your network infrastructure into actionable intelligence. Predict and prevent churn, create top-notch customer experiences, and offer the best-in-class service quality by dynamically streamlining your network throughput during peak loads. Harness the power of big data analytics in telecom to reliably secure your place in the future of the industry.

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Big data analytics solutions and services

Cloud data platform engineering

Use our extensive expertise in the telecom sector to build robust, intelligent automation and decision-making solutions fueled by data that is delivered through carefully designed data pipelines. Leverage innovative data ingestion and storage approaches based on data lakes and enterprise data warehouses optimized for the specifics of big data in telecoms.

Cloud data platform operation and maintenance

Ensure the uninterrupted operation of your data analysis platform on regular days as well as during the most challenging network load surges. Connect new data sources and pass data through custom-built ETL mechanisms to make it immediately available to your data analytics and data scientists. Always keep your data collection grid at a peak performance.

Business intelligence and data visualization

Take full advantage of our multiyear experience delivering advanced solutions for the telecommunication industry to build state-of-the-art BI tools and data visualization dashboards for senior management and key stakeholders. Draw actionable insights from the technical and marketing data streams to reach tangible improvements on both ends of the spectrum.

Network analytics

Implement reliable network maintenance practices based on predictive analytics. Monitor network performance and service quality in real time and always be ready for optimizing capacity. Use deep AI-based network traffic scanning for effective fraud detection, identifying network anomalies, and highlighting potential or already existing vulnerabilities.

Data science in telecom is a real game changer. Most telecom companies are strong believers in this concept, so if you are looking to change your business for the better, let Intellias take you through this journey in the most effective and cost-saving manner.

Talk to us

Benefits of data analytics for the telecom industry

If done right, big data analytics for telecom companies is a fast lane to higher profitability, stellar customer experiences, and a growing subscriber base. It helps reveal and effectively address a wide variety of key issues and concerns for virtually any telecom provider while laying a foundation for sustainable growth and diversification of the provider’s service portfolio.

Leverage our expertise in big data solutions for telecom companies

Draw upon our diverse hands-on experience in the field of designing, implementing, and supporting end-to-end data management and analysis solutions for the telecommunications industry. Let Intellias assess your business needs and match them against available data sources to devise a balanced roadmap for implementing the optimal telecom analytics solution.

Meet growing data demands to handle exponential data growth

Prepare your business for future challenges well in advance by thoughtfully applying telco data analytics to every aspect of your company’s operation. Use valuable insights generated in the process for effective capacity planning and optimization to be properly positioned for a rapid increase in the number of infrastructure data sources as your network expands and diversifies.

Achieve substantial cost reduction with cloud-centric data storage strategies

Leverage the latest achievements in distributed cloud technologies and serverless computing to gather massive amounts of network telemetry and social network data, and seamlessly transform it into a predefined format used by your analytical tools. Reduce your OpEx and CapEx by moving your resource-intensive workloads and storages to the public cloud of your choice.

Completely revamp your data acquisition and processing approach

Forget about scarce performance reports and month-long reporting cycles. With modern telecom analytics solutions by Intellias, you’ll be able to track your progress toward set goals in real time and see an incomparably more detailed picture of your network’s operation alongside your standing in the market.

Empower data consumers inside your organization and beyond

Make normalized and fully curated telecommunications data readily available to all interested parties within your organization and to authorized third parties. Enable your team of data scientists and data analysts to dramatically reduce the time required for complex reports and queries. Grant them access to scalable data lakes and warehouses and equip them with state-of-the art analytical tools built or customized to the needs of your telecommunications business. Give a completely new and practical meaning to the notion of big data for telecom operations and acquire solid gains from newly-discovered opportunities or issues detected — and therefore prevented from proliferating — in time.

Frequently asked questions

The advantages of using big data and data science in the telecommunications industry are multi-fold, spanning better marketing, sales, security, CX, and operational efficiency. The most notable trend is the growing reliance on verified data and data-based projections in making decisions from the lowest level (e.g. for preventive maintenance or automatic network load optimization) to the level where decisions have a profound effect on the entire business.
Absolutely. Data analytics for telecom can be effectively outsourced, especially if we are talking about non real-time data processing. Professional players in the big data market can work with any telecom remotely or by using a hybrid model involving relatively short on-site consultations and fully remote DevOps and development jobs. Intellias has successfully delivered end-to-end analytics platforms to large international telecoms with tens of millions of subscribers.
The process starts with an in-depth analysis of the client’s business needs and the expected outcomes. Our team of business analysts, data scientists, and cloud DevOps engineers hold workshops and multiple Q&A sessions with the client’s representatives to define the optimal process framework and technical approach to solving the matter at hand. Once done, the parties discuss and agree on the implementation timeline while paying utmost attention to the uninterrupted operation of the client’s network and data processing infrastructure. Throughout the implementation phase, our specialists remain a phone call away with the client’s team and plan each major feature/product release well in advance. Once delivered, our big data solutions for telecom can be supported and maintained by the Intellias team under a separate agreement.
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