{"id":7363,"date":"2018-02-25T17:32:55","date_gmt":"2018-02-25T16:32:55","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.intellias.com\/?p=7363"},"modified":"2024-06-21T13:02:21","modified_gmt":"2024-06-21T11:02:21","slug":"air-map-updates-connected-cars","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/intellias.com\/air-map-updates-connected-cars\/","title":{"rendered":"Over-the-Air Map Updates for Connected Cars"},"content":{"rendered":"

About the client<\/h2>\n

Our client supplies location-based services, including spatial data and end-to-end mapping solutions, for IoT connected cars<\/a> and mobile devices. Their customer portfolio includes leading automotive manufacturers, technology companies, and municipalities.<\/p>\n

The company is a long-established partner of the Navigation Data Standard (NDS) Association. Across a range of NDS-compliant products and services, our client offers compatibility and interoperability of map data, flexible software over-the-air updates, 3D mapping, extended driver assistance features, and support for various distribution and work media. Currently, tens of millions of drivers are benefiting from our client\u2019s mapping and navigation solutions.<\/p>\n


Business challenge<\/h2>\n

For decades, our client has been delivering maps in a proprietary format. But worldwide adoption of the Navigation Data Standard for IoT-enabled automotive navigation (with the objective of harmonizing map data exchange) has caused them to reconsider the format they use. To change formats, our client needed to redesign all map production pipelines and related software development tools \u2013 one of which is their over-the-air software update component for maps.<\/p>\n

Prior to this project, Intellias had already partnered with this client on a number of other high-profile projects including a map compilation pipeline rebuild. Our team has now taken on the task of reworking the component that delivers cloud-based over-the-air (OTA) updates for maps and third-party content, including voice recognition and handwriting recognition<\/a> functionality.<\/p>\n


Solution delivered<\/h2>\n

The initial phase of our collaboration involved detecting and removing defects in the first version of the map update component. This component is delivered as part of a comprehensive software development kit that allows OEMs to build embedded navigation solutions for in-vehicle infotainment.<\/p>\n

The positive outcome of this phase meant a green light for further development stages. With joint efforts with our client, we developed mechanisms that allow drivers to update navigation maps either via removable media or over the air. Map updates through removable media require a driver to download map update packages onto external storage (a USB drive or SD card). Over-the-air updates are performed automatically, with minimum or no input from the driver, through any available wireless network (Wi-Fi, cellular). Update packages come from a cloud-based map production pipeline that converts raw geodata into manageable NDS-compliant update packages.<\/p>\n

Our team also implemented consumer Internet of Things\u00a0solutions and algorithms\u00a0for\u00a0full and incremental over-the-air updates for maps in automotive<\/a>.\u00a0Full updates\u00a0completely\u00a0overwrite data for either all or specific regions,\u00a0while\u00a0incremental updates\u00a0apply\u00a0special patches containing\u00a0only parts\u00a0of the new map content.\u00a0Incremental updates\u00a0are\u00a0an alternative to full\u00a0updates\u00a0in case of\u00a0patchy\u00a0network\u00a0coverage.\u00a0\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

All software undergoes\u00a0rigorous testing\u00a0including unit, integration,\u00a0security, and end-to-end tests;\u00a0automated testing predominates\u00a0over the manual.\u00a0The\u00a0majority of tests\u00a0are\u00a0run\u00a0on the real hardware\u00a0used in\u00a0production and prototype\u00a0in-car infotainment devices.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

We\u2019ve achieved great results together<\/h2>\n

The successes from our partnership have translated into new market opportunities for our client. One of these opportunities has been commercializing their map update component as a standalone product on the global market for automotive navigation systems<\/a> and not just using it as part of their own in-car navigation development toolset. Some of the world\u2019s leading car manufacturers have now agreed to include our client\u2019s over-the-air software update for maps functionality into future production models.<\/p>\n

T<\/b>he map\u00a0<\/b>update component\u00a0<\/b>helped\u00a0<\/b>enrich<\/b>\u00a0<\/b>the\u00a0<\/b>driv<\/b>ing\u00a0<\/b>experience with these features:<\/b>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n