Telecom BSS

Effectively overcome typical interoperability hurdles and bring order to your diverse software environments. Dramatically reduce operational delays and improve data integrity. Build streamlined, cloud-based billing systems for voice and data with record-breaking uptime and outstanding cross-integration capabilities. Let Intellias handle your BSS transformation and take your software suite to a whole new level to improve your business performance across the board.

Trusted by leading companies worldwide

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Our take on BSS

Application development, integration, and customization

Develop brand-new products based on the modern digital BSS stack. Breathe new life into any of your existing BSS products through professional modernization, customization, and integration services. Improve sales and marketing analytics tools, corporate CRM and ERP solutions, service and product management applications, supplier and partner management platforms, and many other components of your BSS infrastructure. Build secure and reliable middleware to facilitate future growth and diversification of your service portfolio.

BSS migration to the cloud: cloud-native BSS application development

Achieve considerable cost savings and enjoy advanced data security by migrating your on-prem applications to the private or public cloud of your choice. Build cloud-native BSS applications leveraging modern cloud services and featuring a scalable microservice-based cloud architecture or perform lift-and-shift migrations for applications with a monolithic core. Rely on Intellias’s experience in working with large telecom companies and completing end-to-end BSS transformation projects that enable new customer experiences and revenue streams.

Microservices-based BSS modernization

Eliminate existing performance and scalability bottlenecks, facilitate integration with third-party systems, and improve your data security by doing away with monolithic architectures and transforming the BSS via cloud capabilities and infinitely scalable microservices. Use the most advanced tools for orchestrating and automating your container management workflows and enjoy the ease of quickly spinning up additional application instances during peak loads or when you need them to improve the overall customer experience.

Digital services monetization

Focus on your digital transformation goals and create new channels for customer engagement and revenue generation. Go beyond the basic service offers that are typically found in telecommunications and take full advantage of your cloud BSS environment to capture new business and grow your subscriber base. Build your 5G BSS space around the hottest trends: 4K streaming, management of IoT devices, offering location-based services, extracting valuable statistical insights from big data and monetizing them, and much more. Moving BSS to the cloud makes all these tasks incomparably easier and cheaper to accomplish.

Integrated solutions and services

BSS Integration and Customization

Integrate disparate data sources and siloed applications to effectively transform legacy BSS systems into modern, cloud-enabled software solutions talking to each other and the outside world. Customize existing third-party and proprietary products to introduce new, killer features and optimize performance as your network and service portfolio expand.

BSS application development

Build brand new apps featuring a cloud-friendly or cloud-native BSS architecture that scales with your business. Replace legacy BSS apps with new, custom software offering better interoperability, longer expected lifetime, lower cost of maintenance, and a cutting-edge digital BSS stack, enabling you to quickly address emerging business needs.

BSS Automation with RPA

BSS modernization is inseparable from implementing end-to-end automation of business workflows across multiple departments, from network hardware monitoring, predictive maintenance and reporting, to streamlined billing, sales, omni-channel marketing, and dramatically improved customer support services.

BSS Support and Managed Services

Shift your business focus to strategic objectives and high-level goals while delegating telecom BSS support functions to trusted software development and integration partners. Establish a more predictable, SLA-centered support model via professional managed services that make for higher cost effectiveness and quality.

Benefits of BSS transformation projects

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Cut BSS development and integration costs

Enjoy the convenience and operational efficiency of BSS managed services provided by a company with a solid track record of working in the telecom domain — all within predictable and predefined budget parameters.

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Adopt a more future-proof cloud-native BSS architecture

Secure a brighter future for your BSS program by implementing a step-by-step cloud migration strategy. Attain significant savings by switching from on-prem hosting to pay-as-you-go consumption models with instant availability of additional computing power or storage space.

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Re-engineer BSS legacy applications and infrastructure

Redesign every critical BSS solution for better alignment with your goals, substantial performance gains, and a greater potential for system upgrades. Switch to a modern tech stack for easier maintenance and customization by in-house and resources and third-party developers.

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Yield maximum productivity from your existing BSS ecosystem

Reduce the number of individual applications and data storage in your infrastructure to effectively eliminate bottlenecks in endpoints and connectors, optimize task queuing, speed up document approval workflows, and minimize issue detection and resolution times.

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Unlock new revenue streams and business models

Migrating BSS to the cloud not only provides performance and scalability gains, but also enables your telecom business to launch new products in such areas as IP telephony, IoT device provisioning and management, industrial and environmental monitoring, and more.

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Realize the key benefits and advantages of managed BSS services

BSS managed services help companies free up key technical resources and maintain the target service quality levels while staying within a predefined budget. Contract a reliable telecom technology partner to work on multiple L2/L3 support requests under agreed SLA terms.

Client Success

Innovative cloud platform for a German telecom company

Intellias helped a leading European telecom services provider build and deploy a powerful cloud communications platform for business VoIP and IP telephony. The solution consists of three interconnected portals for admins, individual users, and international call centers, and features a custom SIP phone app supporting interactive voice responses, automatic voice recognition, and text-to-speech conversion.

Post-merger transformation project for a telecom technology provider

Intellias assembled a team of 70+ engineers within a limited time frame to help its client, a leading telecom technology company, build a modernized BSS ecosystem on top of a large portfolio of legacy applications inherited from a recently acquired telecom business. Our team successfully implemented a number of solutions, including a user portal, a modern billing system, updated data processing pipelines and reporting tools.

BSS transformation of telecom IT infrastructure

Our client is a global software solution integrator helping a leading German telecommunications service provider transform their business support systems (BSS) using the latest cloud technologies. The BSS transformation focused on modernizing the telco’s IT architecture to optimize customer services, launch products faster, and reduce operating costs. Moving BSS to the cloud would enable the telecom operator to streamline business operations, improve customer satisfaction, and cut overhead.

Automated telecom billing software for IP telephony

A leading Swiss provider of IP telephony services decided to broaden their range of offerings by enhancing their customer portal with advanced telecom billing software and a dedicated provisioning system for automatic configuration of IP phones. Intellias engineers worked on three generations of this solution, having guided its development through several important milestones, which helped our client expand their business and become one of the country’s most trusted IP telephony providers.
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