{"id":72960,"date":"2024-04-19T09:03:38","date_gmt":"2024-04-19T07:03:38","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/intellias.com\/?p=72960"},"modified":"2024-07-26T13:30:57","modified_gmt":"2024-07-26T11:30:57","slug":"an-automated-employee-benefits-repayment-system","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/intellias.com\/an-automated-employee-benefits-repayment-system\/","title":{"rendered":"An Automated Employee Benefits Repayment System"},"content":{"rendered":"

About the Client<\/h2>\n

Intellias was contacted by a company that works primarily in the employee benefits industry, providing software that assists companies in providing compensation to their employees for health insurance benefits, educational programs, or other services. It was looking for a solution that would allow employers to manage benefits repayments for their employees, including the following account types: FSA, HSA, HRA, and transportation.<\/p>\n

Flexible spending accounts, health savings accounts, and health reimbursement accounts are all tax-advantaged accounts employees can hold via their companies that provide healthcare benefits. Transportation costs can be provided to subsidy public transportation as well as for vehicles and carpooling.<\/p>\n

The company provides an API-enabled platform for employees that they can directly embed into their own brand systems. This provides a cost-effective method for providing employee benefits; however, the company in question wanted to improve on and expand its offerings.<\/p>\n


The Client\u2019s Challenge<\/h2>\n

The company had noticed that its competitors were able to create solutions for their clients that could process FSA, HSA, HRA, and transportation accounts; however, most of these offerings depended on manual input by the employers. Our client wanted to create a fully automated system, one that would transform the processing model from requiring dozens of clicks over several months to something that could be delivered rapidly, almost with a click of a finger.<\/p>\n

When the client first came to Intellias, it reported that the new, fully automated system it was looking for would need to include front-end portals for employees, employers, and the vendor itself. This system would also have to include a mobile app that company employees could use, a network administrator that included customizable microservices for the employees, and various integration factors, including card processors, banks, investment platforms, and services.<\/p>\n


Intellias Solution<\/h2>\n

Intellias drew on its considerable experience of working in the financial services industry<\/a> and created a benefits repayment system that would provide employers with a simplified flow process, allowing employees to create their own profiles and plans that they could use to automatically process claims. Employees would be able to access their profiles from an app and see their payment history, as well as make a claim or profess a benefits refund, and manage their linked bank accounts and payment cards.<\/p>\n

One of the key aspects of the new benefits payment model can be seen in its three front-end portals, one each for vendor company users, employers, and employees. These portals are linked to the cloud-based back-end with high-level API calls, linking banking, card, claims, and reporting services. These, in turn, are linked to a series of integrations, including but not limited to card processors, banks, OCR providers, notification platforms, payroll systems, and support systems.<\/p>\n

Another critical feature is Intellias internal banking service, which was created to facilitate increased reaction time in the system\u2019s processes. The internal account tree creates a dedicated account corresponding to an external account held by an employee, whether that be for financial compensation or benefits.<\/p>\n

This new system ensures that every process required for creating, managing, and disbursing employee benefits is baked into one process; it\u2019s entirely automated. As a result, Intellias not only created and provided this customized solution, but was also able to provide significant cost savings for the client company via reduced inefficiencies. It is significantly quicker than most similar services currently on the market, as well as being cost-effective and simple to use.<\/p>\n

In addition, thanks to Intellias cloud-first architecture, in-system microservices support limitless scaling from thousands to multiple millions of employees, and as a mobile app is included, they can access their profiles whenever they want. It also includes AI models<\/a> for image recognition that distinguish different types of expenses and create repayment requests to process repayment flows automatically.<\/p>\n


Intellias Gets Results<\/h2>\n

The white-label benefits payment solution<\/a> that Intellias created for its client highlights its ability to grasp any challenge requiring strong technical expertise. The development team was required to start from scratch, starting up with microservices architecture and building up its solution layer by layer, using its product and domain experience in the process.<\/p>\n

This track record of creative thinking, determination, and innovation can be applied to your challenge, whatever its complexity may be. If you\u2019re looking to develop, improve or otherwise create a technical solution for your company then contact us today via our contact form or by email to find out more.<\/p>\n


Intellias can create an innovative solution whatever your technical challenge is.<\/p>\n

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Case Study Results<\/h2>\n